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CCNET – Crisis Competence Counseling Network for Women at Work


Women, already navigating numerous socio-economic challenges, found themselves particularly vulnerable to socio-professional exclusion during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Amid the economic disruptions faced by EU economies, the crisis exacerbated existing inequalities, pushing many women to the margins of the workforce. This heightened risk of exclusion underscored the urgent need for targeted support and inclusive policies to address the unique barriers women face in the labour market.


To address this, the project focused on training adult trainers to guide women through the complexities of the labour market and entrepreneurship. Comprehensive handbooks and materials were developed to aid counsellors in recognizing women's competencies and empowering them through peer support networks.


The goal was to help women build their professional lives and explore diverse career options despite the prevailing economic uncertainties.



The educational material consists of the following:


1. Handbook for Competency Counselling-Based Methodologies for Counsellors

This handbook is designed to help counsellors develop the skills needed to identify the core competencies of women who need support for socio-professional integration.


2. Handbook for Developing Women Peer Support Networks

This handbook is for organizations working with or planning to work with women, designed to support them in empowering women.


3. Workbook of Material for Participants

This workbook includes a theoretical framework and a set of practical tools for counsellors to work with women aiming to use their skills for career development.


4. Handbook for Production of Snack Orientation Support and Learning Material

This handbook is intended for counsellors and network facilitators to familiarise themselves with modern tools for developing learning materials, enabling them to provide learning content to the target group through online support networks.

Learning objectives:


The learning objectives of this project were:​

  • to develop the counselling competencies of adult trainers through the effective use of digital technologies and innovative solutions. This aimed to identify and assess the portfolio of competencies necessary for the socio-professional integration of 80 women who intended to reorient professionally or were at risk of socio-professional exclusion.

  • to raise awareness among women regarding their own competencies and to support them in developing their professional lives, including considering entrepreneurship as a career option, through occupational online networks.

Target audience:


  • Adult trainers/Educators who support/guide women navigate their professional and personal journey

  • Women in the labor market

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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does notconstitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Project Code: 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080322

Project Implementation Period: â€¯01/11/20-31/10/22 

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